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Help on Waltz steps
Posted by dancecraz
2/27/2002  8:24:00 AM
Can someone tell me detail footsteps for "Hairpin" Please.

Is it "Heel Toe, Heel Toe, and Toe Heel?

How about "Curve feather" in Foxtrot? Are they the same?[ I don't unserstand why using Instant UBBcode]

re: Help on Waltz steps
Posted by Dronak
2/27/2002  7:35:00 PM
It looks like something happened to your post and it got cut off. The Curved Feather is a syllabus figure, so I can just take the footwork for that out of the book -- man's part is HT, T, TH (RF, LF, RF OP); lady's is TH, T, TH. I can't be sure about the Hairpin because I've never learned it and the Popular Variations book I see it in isn't quite as detailed as the technique book. It appears that the footwork is the same, HT, T, TH for the man. What's the difference between them? I think the turn on the Hairpin is sharper/quicker and possibly more than the Curved Feather, but you're probably better off getting the answer from someone who knows the Hairpin better than I do.

James Marshall

re: Help on Waltz steps
Posted by Curvedfeather
2/28/2002  6:14:00 PM
A hairpin is a sharper or over turned Curvedfeather. A hairpin is nornallly used if sycopation is used as in pivot to hairpin. Here is an example for man in closed position facing line of dance with right foot free. Begin with one right turn, (now to begin pivot to hairpin) - step back with left foot and pivot one half, and do a sharp curved feather to outside lady and facing at least RLOD. After the pivot the next step with the man's right foot is between the lady's feet and, of coure you end on the balls of both feet lowering into the next step - could be back feather. The toe- heel is as with curved feather and the first step is normal pivot. The timing can be varied to suit individual choice. Common is 12&3, but one can use 123&, or 1&23.

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